There is a light battle going on! The subject is to LED or not to LED! As we all become more aware of energy and how to use it more efficiently, the one thing is letting go of the incandescents bulb and switching to the LED bulbs. So which ones do you use and how do you know what ones are right? What are the right Kelvins? Yes, there is a difference and it will make a difference. LEDs have come a long way since the first LED was introduced. Here are some tips to consider when putting them in your home. So how do you choose?
I ALWAYS recommend doing 2700K(kelvins) for all lighting such as table lamps, floor lamps, ceiling fixtures, etc. Anything that requires a bulb use 2700K LED. For recessed lighting, I recommend 3000K (dimmable) since it is lighting a larger area in a room. Dimmable lets you control the warmth of the light in the room. You do not want to use anything above 3000k in a home. The lighting will be harsh and not appealing to the eye. The interior lighting of a home is so important! Bad lighting can change the look and feel. You do not want your home to look like it is beaming you up to another planet. Keep it warm! It will be much more inviting. Some other benefits to LEDs are that they last much longer about 25,000 hours, compared to 1,200 hours for incandescents or CFL for 8,000 hours. They are energy efficient and cost much less to use. I hope this helps with making the selection of LEDs more effective in your home. Shop below for some of my favorites!